Friday, August 2, 2019

Teenagers’ Addiction

It's 12:30 a. m. YouVe spent your entire night doing your late-night homework and now you have a craving for the munchies. Your mouth waters as you spot a box of Oreos, a bag of Doritos, and yes, even a bag of popcorn. However, what you don't know about these seemingly harmless, delicious snacks is that they contain loads of fats that, on the log run, will surely harm your health!I have put both my time and energy to research about this topic (fast food consumption among teenagers) not only because of its personal influence (considering I'm a teen who used to be a sucker for Junk food), but also because this issue has been strongly prevaling and has been increasing potentially harmful effects on us teenagers as we're growing older, uch as diabetes, high blood pressure problems that can come with even worse complications, like heart diseases and fatal storkes.With only very few exceptions, fast foods have exceedingly high content of saturated fat and trans fat that can easily increase the level of bad cholesterol in a person's body. In addition to fats, sugars and salts that are found in Junk food like candy bars and burgers, respectively, also can have negative impacts on teenagers' healths. Also, some of my school friends have known persons that are currently suffering from the results of constant consumption of fast food.These teenagers suffer from not only evident damages to their physical health, but also those damages to their intellectual health. Moreover, seeing as we are such a school community, I hope that we must be vigilant and take notice for each other as we all wish our friends to stay healthy, Joyful, and successful individuals with long healthy lives. 2. Overview of the subject: Teenagers are becoming immensely absorbed into the theme of today, as their transforming lifestyles are bringing about a lot of challenges in the world.The rapid, untiring, and nervous lifestyles of teenagers today are bringing them towards more ast food consumption rath er than healthier and home cooked food. This has very important problem faced by many countries as the instances of heart diseases and diabetes being observed among teens are growing daily. Teenagers undergoing obesity can have long term sicknesses which will be discovered sooner or later in their lives. In Canada, over 26% of teenagers (1. 6 million teenagers) are considered overweight or obese. Frood, 2009). The same phenomenon has occurred in the United States. The prevalence of overweight teenagers in the United States has increased dramatically in the past few years. Recent reports have reached epidemic levels, with approximately 16 percent of teenagers, 12 to 19 years old, classified as overweight (Bellows ; Roach, 2009). According to Novikova, there are three major causes why so many teenagers are attracted to fast food consumption (Novikova, 2009): The first factor is that of time constraints.This means that Junk food is addictive due to its simplicity and students prefer it as it is very quick to purchase. Students save themselves the hassle of preparing a lunch the night before or even eating breakfast, because some find it tedious and time consuming. In fact, they prefer to grab a quick bite in between classes or to have a quick lunch from the cafeteria so that they can continue with their tasks being almost uninterrupted, hence making Junk food utterly convenient for students to purchase.The second main reason Junk food is hard to resist is the delicious taste. However, the truth is that Junk foods get their taste from large amounts of oils, salts, and sugars, mostly resulting in empty calories (providing energy without any real nutrients needed by the body). Junk food is also tempting, especially on bad days; ome studies suggest that carbohydrates, which are present in most Junk foods, increase serotonin levels, prompting one to feel happier. A third factor is the increasing availability of Junk food.The increase in availability is mostly within d istricts lacking funds to supply nutritious food; therefore, they turn to the cheap, efficient, and tasty alternative that appears to keep everybody content. In general, a â€Å"10 percentage point increase in the proportion of schools with Junk food is correlated with about a 1 percent higher BMI for the average student,† according to National Bureau of Economic Research. This means the more Junk food available, the more weight gain–showing a large disregard for the health risks associated with it; if it's there, students will eat it (Novikova, 2009). 3.Methodology section: This research, which studies the estimations and views of teenagers, examines a rank of fast food-related themes. Using measuring survey approaches, I have polled 15 high school students, all of which ranged between 13 to 18 years of age. Each questionnaire paper was composed of four carefully chosen questions, all of which ere multiple choice questions (refer back to Appendix A for questions). As it can be and straight to the point, in order to meet my research's critical needs successfully. After the data were obtained, information was examined methodically using content analytic approaches.In general, I found that most, if not all, teenagers were well- enlightened about good health and home-food cooking, but they did not translate this knowledge into food behavior; they prefer fast food consumption. Teenagers felt that there were many obstacles and limits to changing their fast food consumption – pecifically, lack of time, absence of discipline, and absence of the sense of urgency. Time was regarded as the most important aspect – students realized themselves as being too engaged to worry about food, nourishment, meal cooking, and eating properly.The next remarks were typical: â€Å"We prefer other ways to spend time and we do not have enough time to change bad habits. † â€Å"We do not have the time with all this school work – a lot of problems . † â€Å"There's a lot more than food that is actually important to us. † 4. Analysis and interpretation: While the greater number of students in the questionnaire said that they found ome kinds of healthy foods agreeable (few of them even suggested their addition in the school food schedule), there was omnipresent and ubiquitous endorsement of temperance in consuming foods of minimal nutritional value.The primary attraction of fast foods, according to the pupils, is the taste. Most noticed that they preferred and ate such foods without noticing the consequences, which involved â€Å"getting fat,† â€Å"occurrence of inflamed glands,† â€Å"bad state of mind† â€Å"bad health,† â€Å"poor feeding† â€Å"laziness,† â€Å"cavities,† and â€Å"getting ill frequently'. The other most popular cause given or consumption of fast food is its practicality. At all times, seeming to be in a rush, teenagers find fast food, in spite of its negative values, to be an essential part of their busy lives.The most important obstacle that these teens cited in the questionnaire was the unsuitability and expenditure involved in developing their diets. Since many teenagers are becoming conscious of themselves as leading lively, energetic, busy individuals, they sometimes trust that it is too much trouble to prepare a meal from scratch, thinking it would be a waste of time. More precisely, they can't seem to stop escribing how much they are tempted to fast-food places and well-timed and favorable foods (such as chocolates, sweets, and chips).Such food selections are easy to reach and involve no planning or trouble in shopping for. The prevailing opinion among the teenagers I polled is that healthy food is â€Å"too large of a bother† and they are too engaged and pressured to consider much about healthy food. 5. Conclusion: Teenagers require to learn the skills obligatory to make dietary transformation. They nutrit ion facts, and to reckon up dietary and food information. Moreover, training in ields such as solution making, assertiveness, and opposition to peer pressure required to be involved into programs purposed at producing food changes.During this questionnaire pupils put forward for consideration that many teenagers' absence the self-discipline required to eat healthy foods since their priority is for fast food consumption. Ultimately some of the teen respondents put forward for consideration that practicing good food habits had little hurry to teenagers. While self-confessing the significance of healthy eating practices, teenagers thought they ould concern later in life about eating better.It took me a while to think about an issue that I would have loved to read about, learn more about, and know how to deal with. After that, it only seemed convenient for me to research about the hazards in Junk food and how to prevent them as much as possible, for l, myself, am someone who needs a die tetic wake-up call! I was glad that I have found a topic that I was completely absorbed in, and from there, my Journey of researching began. Digging more into my topic, by reading as many relevant articles as I could, slightly overwhelmed me, especially with the uncountable number of articles that I could use as references.However, with constant elimination, I finally succeeded to narrow down my options. Another challenge was choosing the 5 questions for my interview. At first, it took me a while to choose whether the question should be multiple choice questions or free- subjective ones. However, I knew for a fact that if I received a survey form to fill out, I would have preferred to have fast and easy-to-answer questions due to my typical eenage busy schedule and lack of patience. Therefore, I made sure to keep my survey questions easy to relate to and quick to answer.Of course, I also made sure to keep a varied set of answers available in order for them to meet everyone's opinion s. all. It took me a while to put my words together and make the best out of all the sources. To be completely honest, I never felt like I was burdened to the extent where I was so close to NOT doing this research. Despite the fact that I've been exempted from the final exams, I umfortunately still have to study for two difficult SAT subject ests, and to practice for the musical performance that I will be performing on my graduation night , all that in a matter of 2 and a half weeks!Not to mention, of course, that I still haven't bought my graduation dress! (that alone is a girl's worst nightmare, believe me! ) Nevertheless, I was able to finish this ever-so-stressful mission, and I couldn't be more relieved! It made me realize that my hard work and perseverance never fail to pay off and make me outdo myself everytime. I am so pleased to say that I have officially broken my record of deligence against Dar Jana's stressful assignments!

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