Friday, August 23, 2019

Discovering Mathematics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Discovering Mathematics - Essay Example This situation contributes to gender disparity in labor force. However, the government of Oman is currently implementing non discrimination policies in recruitment processes in the public sector. As a result, the number of women hired in government departments is steadily rising. Currently, women consist of about 30% of the government workforce. With this figure, public sector still provides more employment opportunities to women than men (Al-Azri, 2012). Hence, this research examines the gender question in the private sector employment. It compares the number of male and females employed in the private sector. Data Collection This research used a questionnaire which was self administered for data collection. The questionnaire contained closed format or multiple questions for easy quantitative data analysis. Closed ended responses are easy to code, perform data entry and analyze (McDaniel & Gates, 1998). The sample was drawn using random sampling technique. Questionnaire This survey is conducted to determine the number of females and males in employed in the private sector. Thanks you very much for participating in the survey. Please complete the questionnaire and return it to the issuer. It only takes 3 minutes to respond to the questions. Be assured that your responses shall be treated with utmost confidentiality. . Section A: (Demographic Information) (Please, tick one) 1. Are you: Male ? Female ? 2. Are you: Under 21 ? 21 - 25 ? 26 - 30 ? 31 - 35 ? 36 - 40 ? 41 - 45 ? 46 - 50 ? 51 - 55 ? 56 - 60 ? 60+ ? Section B: (Employment Information) (Please, tick one) 3. Are you: Employed ? Not Employed ? 4. If employed, are you: Full-time employed ? Part-time employed ? 5. In which sector are you employed? Private ? Public ? 6. In which industry are you employed? Agricultural and Mining ? Manufacturing and Construction ? Transport and Telecommunication ? Science and Technology ? Wholesale and Retail Trade ? Real estate and Rental ? Health Care and Social services ? T ourism, Arts, Recreation and Entertainment ? Finance and Insurance ? Other (specify).................................................................................... *END* Results Fig 1.0: A table showing the number of males and females working in private sector according to age groups Age Group Male Females Total Under 21 8,617 1,437 10,054 21-25 33,565 8,696 42,261 26-30 37,966 9,713 47,679 31-35 24,931 6,539 31,470 36-40 11,538 3,615 15,153 41-45 7,201 2,097 9,298 46-50 6,360 1,274 7,634 51-55 5,161 820 5,981 56-60 3,159 296 3,455 60+ 1,380 76 1,456 Total 139,878 34,563 174,441 (Adapted from statistical year book, 2012) Analysis Fig 1.1: Table showing analyzed data for male employees Age Group x f fx x-? (x-?)^2 f(x-?)^2 Under 21 9.5 8,617 81,861.5 -21.5 462.25 3,983,208.25 21-25 23 33,565 771,995 -8 64 2,148,160 26-30 28 37,966 1,063,048 -3 9 341,694 31-35 33 24,931 822,723 2 4 99,724 36-40 38 11,538 438,444 7 49 565,362 41-45 43 7,201 309,643 12 144 1,036,944 46-50 48 6,360 305,280 17 289 1,838,040 51-55 53 5,161 275,533 22 484 2,497,924 56-60 58 3,159 183,222 27 729 2,302,911 61-75 68 1,380 93,840 37 1,360 1,876,800 139,878 4,345,589.5 16, 690,767.25 Mean Age of Males Mean = ?fx ? ?f 4,345,589.5 ? 139,878 31 years Standard Deviation in Age of Males Standard Deviation v (?f(x-?) ^2/?f) v (16,690,767.25 ? 139,878) 11 years Median Age of Males Median = L + Where L is lower limit of median class N is total cumulative frequency Fi-1 is cumulative freque

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