Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Canadian Constitution Act Of 1982 - 2150 Words

Part I: Mandatory Long Essay Question (24 points) In The Value of A just Society, Pierre Elliott Trudeau explained that the Constitution Act of 1982’s primary goal was to protect individual rights rather than collective rights. Furthermore, he thought territorially concentrated minorities should not be given special rights. Analyse the linguistic rights and the Aboriginal rights jurisprudence since 1982 and determine if Trudeau’s constitutional objective has materialized. Your answer should be no more than 1500 words. In examining the constitutional jurisprudence since 1982, it can be seen that most cases have followed along with Trudeau’s objectives of individual rights protection. However, Trudeau’s article The Value of a Just Society notes that communal rights of Aboriginal communities represent a notable exception. He defends this, mentioning that these collective rights are enshrined where â€Å"the rights of individuals may be indistinct and difficu lt to define.† The Canadian Constitution is uncommon in the fact that it protects cultural rights, such as linguistic and Aboriginal rights. It is important for Canada to protect these rights, as Canada is made up of many different groups of people. It was Trudeau’s desire that the constitution protect everyone equally, â€Å"without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.† By assigning rights to the individual rather than to collectives, linguisticShow MoreRelatedCanadian Constitution Act of 19822240 Words   |  9 Pagesmyself thinking sociologically when I realized that equality in Canada is less practiced as what the Canadian Constitution Act of 1982 claims. 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