Monday, October 21, 2019


ABEKA VOCABULARY, SPELLING, POETRY IV QUIZ 12A Essay Example ABEKA VOCABULARY, SPELLING, POETRY IV QUIZ 12A Paper ABEKA VOCABULARY, SPELLING, POETRY IV QUIZ 12A Paper Essay Topic: Poetry spell each spoken word aerial spell each spoken word guarantee spell each spoken word lieutenant spell each spoken word sheik spell each spoken word sacrilegious spell each spoken word muscle spell each spoken word anoint spell each spoken word hydraulics spell each spoken word symmetrical spell each spoken word connoisseur emaciate to become or cause to become abnormally thin, as by starvation or sickness substantiate to prove existence or validity with evidence or proof; to verify delineate to give a detailed description accelerate to increase the rate of movement, growth, or progress of something iterate to say or mention again repeatedly annihilate to reduce to nothingness fluctuate to vary or change irregularly intimidate to make timid; to make fearful by threats propitiate to cause to be favorably inclined initiate to start or began; to take the first step

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