Thursday, February 27, 2020

Community & Economic Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Community & Economic Development - Essay Example For the purpose of understanding the issue, the city of Orlando can be used as a case example. It is of the essence to note that different locations are endowed differently when it comes to the endowment of business opportunities. This is something, which ranges from one location to another. There are a few things, which a person who wants to engage in the business ought to consider. The individual in question ought to ask himself or herself whether it feels right or whether the decision that is made makes sense at all. This is bearing in mind the financial implications, which come into perspective. There are certain things, which make Orlando a good and attractive business spot in the country. For starters, there are several industries, which are located in the city. These are significant pointers of how businesses and the private sector can be influential in the creation of jobs to individuals in the population. The presence of many of these industries in the city makes it possible for people to seek employment and get it in the long run. At the same time, these businesses may come up with incentives, which may serve to attract even more individuals from the local population. In most cases, the incentives in this scenario are always better in comparison to those from the government. As a result, a significant number of individuals in the population will opt to go into the businesses as opposed to seeing employment that is initiated by the government or the local authorities. The role, which the business sector plays when it comes to the city of Orlando, is a fact, which cannot be overlooked. The local authorities have also recognized this and as such, the policies, which they develop in relation to business activities, are those, which are favorable to the individuals who have the desire to engage in business activities. The authorities have also realized that through their partnerships with business entities and

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Science fiction film studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Science fiction film studies - Essay Example c world that is not real, asks you to suspend your disbelief and pretend that it is, and then return to reality, hopefully, with some new insight for this world. At least that is the basic idea. However, sometimes the medium (or all the gimmicks) becomes the message and it is just for fun. There is nothing wrong with that either, as long as you know which side of the toast the butter is on. In other words if you started out making a message film but it got lost in the medium, than the message never gets out and the film usually winds up being a milquetoast event. All the films in this list have a message and were, supposedly, made to get that message out, let us see how it worked by analyzing a few. One can only imagine the audience seeing Fritz Lang’s Film, â€Å"Metropolis† for the very first time in 1927. The effects had to be as spellbinding as the audiences in 1977 seeing the premier of â€Å"Star Wars.† These two films as well as most others of the genre that have held the test of time as message driven movies have one thing in common. Their message is mythological. As Malcolmson notes in his article, The Matrix, Liberal Education and Other Splinters in the Mind, that, â€Å"Audience fascination with the character types is related to the power of myths.† (2004: 148) Whatever the innate and archetypal need for mythology, beliefs, religion is in the human psyche, it’s presence in sci-fi movies is profound and moving. When this connection is lacking, the movies is usually relegated to the b-movie section of the class. B-movies are fun too but that is another topic of discussion. However, while the effects of mythology in filmmaking are often profound their interwoven texture in the movie should not be too obvious, or it can become a little heavy-handed and the message can get blurred. Malcolmson also notes that â€Å"The Matrix† is â€Å"densely allusive† (2005: 141) and we find that was the intention of the Wachowski brothers as he quotes Larry